Monday, February 13, 2012

How did this happen?

I'm not sure how I went so long without blogging. I feel so ashamed. So many great stories I wish I could remember them all. I'll start with some of the unforgettable ones.

Story 1
It was either last Thursday or Friday the cutest thing happened. I was sitting at the classroom conference table (a larger table next to the teachers desk) working with a student when Ms. J stopped everyone from their work and made a clear announcement. She went on to say, in a very stern voice, that there is NOTHING wrong with liking someone. It is perfectly healthy and normal to like another person. She continued to say if you like someone "you've got game" especially with Valentine's Day around the corner. I am obsessed with this lady. During her lecture I noticed that J was crying and I so I assumed that someone was making fun of him for liking someone. I wasn't sure about what exactly happened so I asked her after she was finished making her point. She told me that people were making fun of L, which confused me because L looked fine and J was the one balling his eyes out. I asked her, so what happened to J? She looked over at him and rolled her eyes acting like, what now. Supposedly J was crying because HE was the one making fun of L for liking someone and he felt bad. His exact words were, "I feel so ashamed of myself" (keep in mind these are third graders!) Mrs. J asked if J needed to go out in the hall to calm down, and he did. She brought L out so that J could apologize. J and L met in the hallway and J was still crying. She said they were standing very close and Mrs. J asked if they needed to be left alone. L put his hand on J's shoulder and said, "Yes, Mrs. J we should be alone right now". I know this story is super confusing because I don't want to spell out the kids names, but I'm mostly writing this so I can remember this story. I don't give it justice. It was adorable and I don't think I've met a male as sensitive, considerate, and with as big of a heart as J, and he's nine. I hope he keeps that big heart of his as he grows up.

Story 2
Thursday afternoon I went to meet a friend to hang out. We ended up meeting at a sushi restaurant in Hell's Kitchen with a couple friends. It was so nice to walk in and see three people at a table I consider my new friends. I still can't believe I've only been here 4 weeks and I have already met some amazing people. Anyway, after the restaurant my friend suggested that we try to go to a concert that night. Keep in mind this concert was to see Jack's Mannequin, which was already sold out. Although I have never really listened to Jack's Mannequin I have listened to Something Corporate and may say was a little obsessed with the band in high school. Well Jack's Mannequin is the same guy from Something Corporate it's just his new band or "project" or whatever. It was pretty much amazing. I love piano rock and it is so much fun to watch. I fell in love with the guy once again and stayed up a little too late for a school night. It was so worth it though. Video from the show above. I am pretty sure I was about 2nd row on the farrrrr right. Ugh. SO good and SO hot. Why are musicians so sexy?! haha.

Story 3
Dave came to town! Yep, my friend from upstate came to visit for the weekend. He got a hotel right in Times Square at a really nice place called the Paramount Hotel. We were able to go out to dinner at two amazing restaurants. Thank you UrbanSpoon for providing great reviews. One restaurant was in Soho and the Italian was amazing, it was called Piccola Cucina. The other restaurant was closer to his hotel called B. Smith's. It was so nice to eat something other than Ramen noodles or PB&J. We also were able to go to the Apple Store on 5th Ave and get me a new phone (my old iPhone was cracked), went shopping for new jeans at Nordstrom Rack, and shoes in Times Square. I don't think he like's shopping without my amazing fashion advice. Anyway, it was fun to see an old friend and hear about all my friends back upstate in Syracuse.

There was obviously a lot of other things that has happened since the last time I have blogged and I am so upset I haven't kept up. Hopefully having a new phone with a screen that I can actually see will help me blog more often, on the go. One of the best feelings this weekend had to be on Saturday when I was sad that I wasn't going to school. I really did miss the 23 third graders that I see 5 days a week. I don't even want to think about leaving my classroom, host teacher, and students. I have never been happier with what I get to do everyday. Everything from my super cute green tile bathroom where I shower every morning , to the crowded rush hour subway ride, to my school, and commute back to the Bronx, I am in love with every part of my day.

Hotel mirror tells the weather

Times Square

My schoolyard 

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